Saturday 19 May 2012

Planting Out: That Was The Plan...

Good morning dear readers and welcome to a rather damp, windy and dull London Vegetable Garden.  Today had been set aside for that seminal event in a gardener's yearly cycle – planting out!  For many of us, this occasion feels very much like sending children off to university: they're big enough to hold their own and they have to make their own way in life, but we're still worried!

Anyway, I had planned to plant out runner beans, courgettes and peas today, since those respective vegetable seedlings are now veritable plants and need more space:
However, I awoke to the following weather:
This also means that the small patch of soil I had set aside for my vegetable patch (in need of significant weeding) is damp, wet and quite frankly, very unappealing:
As I sit and write these thoughts, coffee in hand, the time is 8:51 in the morning.  So we have a lot of time left in the day (and indeed the weekend) for the sun to come out, dry the garden up a bit and for me to get weeding!

Incidentally, I am planning an upcoming blog post on planning your vegetable gardening.  Despite having a lovely little garden in which to potter, the actual 'soil space' I have to grow vegetables directly into the ground is only approximately 5' by 4'.  So, I have made a drawing plan of the garden and am going to show clever ways around lack of soil space – there should be some great tips for all you urban gardeners out there.  Watch this space!

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